These are our bathroom hand towels.  They are housed on this classy, silver towel rack as given by The Lodge.  In the first version, you will see how I prefer for them to hang.  In the second picture, you will see how the hubs prefers for them to hang. Who cares, right?  Well, this is one intriguing things about marriage that I have found.  Who's preference wins?  There are some things from one's own raisin' that are just assumed that everyone does, like be able to dry one's hands while keeping the towels folded.  As they should be folded. However, once one enters into marriage, one realizes that said things from old are not always spouses ways of old.  The question then arises: Who wins?  

No one (or maybe everyone) because daily the towels could be found in either manner at any point in the day. If this could be secretly video recorded, you would see hubs drying his hands and unfolding, and then you would see me shortly after coming to put them back in their rightful folded position.

Rightful, of course, is a relative term in this case.


  1. LynnAnn said...
    It is NOT a relative term! If you go out of your way to make sure they stay folded and your husband DARES to put further burden on you by unfolding and walking away then he is definitely in the wrong. This also goes for taking the bath towel all the way out of the bathroom and leaving it who knows where so you and your spouse are sharing a not-so-dry towel for the next several showers or leaving the door of the bedroom open for the dog to come in and do whatever he pleases in your room when you aren't watching. There's right and there's wrong. There's being raised in a barn or in a house. And there is helping your wife or hindering her.
    But that's just how I feel about it.
    Lilies of the Field said...
    LynnAnn, it sounds like you are speaking from some serious experience on this issue. Oh boys, can't live with the and certainly can't live without them! Though I'll probably have to post this on your FB since I'm sure you won't see it otherwise.

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