Those two words describe these girls in a nutshell, if you couldn't tell from the pictures! They are the cutest little girls that I've ever seen, and they filled our teeny apartment with so much fun and girliness for six days. When I came home after returning them to their mom (my sister), my heart hurt a little at how quiet it was. They wore me out and caused me to exercise all my girly entertaining measures. I also exercised my ability to please a little girl in picking out an outfit and fixing hair. Girls are A LOT of work, and it begins at a very early age. There's just so much to think about when it comes to their appearance alone. Matching bows, matching barrettes, matching rubber bands, matching swimsuit coverups, ponytails, side ponytails, half ponytails, shoes, flip flops, dresses, leggings, and the list could just go on because their suitcase was filled with all of these items plus! They're sassy like that.
One of my favorite events of the week happened while I was getting ready on Wednesday, and they were in the living room watching "Hotel for Dogs" for probably the third time since in our home that is cable-less, it's all they had. Ella, who will be four on June 27, is playing, and while she plays, she constantly talks to herself. It's pretty hilarious because it generally involves her pretending that she is a momma or someone famous. This particular time, she chose Hannah Montana. Klaudia chimes in and says that she will be Hannah Montana, too. Ella obviously doesn't like this idea because that's not how this game is played. If she's Hannah Montana, there will be no other. So from the bathroom, this is what I hear: "No, I Hannah Montana. You not Hannah Montana cause I Hannah Montana." "Ella, then I will be Miley Cyrus." "No, I Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus. You not be Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana." "Ok, then I will be big Hannah Montana and you be little Hannah Montana." Apparently that worked better than all the other options given.
This is ultimately my favorite part of the week. Sunday morning we were in the car and some how started talking about the Bible and why it's important. Then Klaudia went on to tell me what she knows from the Bible. I started asking her several questions about Jesus, sin, and heaven. We basically went through the basics of the gospel: we sin, as in lie and do things against God, so He sent Jesus to die for us and save us from these sins. If we accept this and ask for forgiveness, then we get to go to heaven. She then asked me what happens if we don't go to heaven. I told her that we would go to hell, and then we talked about why that would be so bad. On Monday night, I was reading to them from a little toddler-type Bible. When we finished, I asked Klaudia if she remembered all that we had talked about on Sunday about Jesus, and she kind of quoted back to me what we had discussed. I reminded her that Jesus loved her, but He wants her to ask Him to be her savior so that she can spend forever with Him. She asked me when she would do that, like when she was old or something. I told her she would do that when she felt like she was ready. It was just the sweetest conversation and just such a reminder of how simple the gospel is that even a child can understand it. What a sweet day it will be when she asks Jesus to be her Savior and many prayers will be answered!

Sweet Uncle Cameron was quite the apple of their eye during the time that he was home! Actually, he has been the apple of Ella's eye for a while now. So much so that every time I talk to her, her first words are "Where's Camrin?" Love it!
Uncle Cameron started the silly faces that follow but would not perform for the camera.
They were more than willing to show their stuff.
We filled several hours of our time in the swimming pool. Three different swimming pools to be exact. Sweet Bennett and Hayes joined us for swimming one of these days. Both the boys had two extra mothers during their stint with the girls. They didn't seem too bothered!
I love these girls, a lot! They took a lot of our energy and time, but we'll take them for a visit any time. We'll just need a few days to rest afterwards!