Pregnancy Love

  1. I've had more conversations with total strangers than ever before. It's insane how interested in me people have become all thanks to this sweet little guy growing inside.
  2. The constant, active reminder of God's faithfulness and provision as well as my desperate need to know Him more.
  3. The anticipation that it brings to everything.
  4. The way that my it has caused me to fall in love with my husband like never before.
  5. The fun it is to constantly have something to think about, research, create, organize, etc.
  6. The excuse to eat, um, more.
  7. For the first time in my life, I am the one who is warm and not freezing.
To be continued...

Not too shabby

Really, I've been hugely blessed with comments of strangers and friends during pregnancy. That basically means that at no time have I cried over someone's comment. Going into pregnancy, I had prepared myself for the worst, but thankfully I've been spared. Of course, this could all change over the next four weeks. Let's hope not.

Nonetheless, what better way to catch up on pregnancy business than by reminding myself of these comments?!

  1. My first comment was, in my opinion, fairly early into my pregnancy. (Sadly, I can't remember what week this was.) So much so that I questioned whether he really thought I was pregnant or was just making conversation based on the groceries. Either way, he was brave because it could certainly have just been a nice gut or a belly full of lunch in an empire-waisted dress. Cameron insisted that he knew. Anyway, while in line at Randall's with just two separate gallons of ice cream that we were taking as dessert to someone's lunch invite, an adorable old man said, "You forgot the pickles." It took me a minute to understand what he was meaning, but I thought that was a cute "the public knows your pregnant" comment.
  2. Someone once told me, and maybe this was the same day, that they could tell I was getting chubby or else working out. Yeah, I don't get it either.
  3. "Mrs. Whitley, you look big?"
  4. A lady walks up to me and bends down to be belly height. She proceeds to talk to my belly in a stern voice and says, "You better be nice to your mama. You hear me? I know you can hear me." I slowly backed away.
  5. For the student Halloween party, a few of us went as some of The Office characters. I was Pam when she was pregnant. A precious middle school girl very seriously pointed to my belly and said, "Is that real?" Poor thing, I died laughing and then realized that she was serious. It was my favorite comment of all.
  6. While Cameron and I were walking into HEB, a man in a kind of ghetto accent pointed to my belly and looked at Cameron and said, "Did you do that?" We both said, "Huh?" He repeated, "Did you do that?" It was HILARIOUS. Seriously, we both laughed and Cameron shyly replied, "Yep."
  7. The day before Thanksgiving break a student asked if I was planning to do a belly cast. I told her that there was probably no way this would happen because I'd be clueless what to do with it afterwards. She very seriously in an "of course" tone said that I would use it as a turkey dish. Um, no thanks!
These comments really are not to shabby compared to what I've heard and expected to hear. I have some really great people in my life that have showered me with the sweetest of compliments. For this, I'm so thankful!

And we're back in the game!

have procrastinated updating our blog entirely too long. There are plenty of excuses that I came up with. Here are my top my top five:

  1. I want everything to look cute and cute like I like cute. This blog to me just wasn't cute enough.
  2. The formatting of this blogger stuff and how it just doesn't seem to be user friendly completely intimidates/annoys me.
  3. I wanted a new name and couldn't think of one.
  4. I always found something different to be doing.
  5. I would log on and start it and find myself quickly distracted by other's blogs.
Nonetheless, here I am four weeks out from delivering this baby boy and realizing that I really do want to keep track of his life in written/picture form, and I've done poorly at it thus far. So this is my Thanksgiving resolution: start blogging and worry about the cuteness and other factors later.

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