is because we've been THAT person. That complain-y person.
I had woken up, emailed the photographer some picture ideas, packed some things in the car, and headed to Starbucks with some of the greatest friends in the world. After filling my body with much-needed caffeine (or nerve suppressant), I was on my way to get my hair done. I can remember every detail of the day as if I'm actually there preparing to end my life as a single and embark on something that seemed, on many occasions, like it would never arrive.

- We've had four (and hopefully five soon) addresses.
- Together we've had five job changes.
- We haven't broken any of our dishes.
- We've had to replace many wedding gifts and still have more to replace thanks to Uhaul's stellar storage facilities.
- We've almost bought three houses.
- We've been to seven youth camps and four disciple nows.
- We've had a leased car and an almost fully purchased car. And then there's the mustang.
- We've realized how completely stubborn and hard headed we both are.
- We've prayed about adoption on a serious level.
- We've prayed about a million things on a serious level.
- We've gained and lost some friends.
- We've become friends of Dave Ramsey who turned our financial world upside down.
- We've lived with family for ten months and loved every second of it.
- We've developed a love-hate relationship with apartments.
- We've lived and flourished without cable TV despite the odds.
- We've annoyed each other a whole lot and loved each other a whole lot.
- We've learned to love Jesus a whole lot because of His grace in our marriage.
HGTV, MTV, ESPN, and sometimes even NBC are initializations that are just not apart of our vocabulary. For the life of our marriage, we have not subscribed to cable. And I'm pretty sure that I never had it throughout college either.