Hi, I'd like to introduce you to...

my sweet friend Priti Kamdev Domre.

I'm kind of a blog nerd. Though this is only my 3rd post, I've been reading several blogs for a couple of years now. (There's this whole underground-blogging world that is kind of spooky if you ask me. I'm hoping to jump on the bandwagon and go underground too.) Anyway, two of the blogs (Living Proof Blog & Angie Smith's Blog) that I read have ladies that are on a very crazy and awesome trip with Compassion International to Kalcutta (Calcutta). Their goal is to blog their daily events and encourage people to sponsor these precious little ones.

It worked. We joined. We fell for it, and we're so excited.

Actually, we've been meaning to join the Compassion family for quite sometime. It's just that life got in the way. Yes, that sounded selfish and it was. We've chosen other things instead of sponsoring like new shirts and shoes and eating out. Ridiculous. Reading these blogs and seeing Compassion International in action has caused us to get off of our selfish, American bottoms and help someone in need. Someone who needs something much more than new shoes. Someone who needs shoes. Period. Food. Period. Love. Period. Jesus. Period.

When I opened the Compassion page, her's was the first face that I saw. She won my heart; I love her already. And to top it off her name is Priti.

She's the newest member of the Whitley family. Our first child.


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